Pete Shaw is the manager of the Forest Life Force Restoration Trust. Pete has identified and initiated most of the Trust’s projects.
Pete previously worked for the Department of Conservation for 18 years where he held various roles throughout New Zealand, including manager of Northern Te Urewera Mainland Island Project.
Tamsin is well known in the conservation community, both in Hawke’s Bay and nationally. She is helping the Trust to expand its kiwi conservation work. She oversees the development of chicks that hatch from eggs collected at the Trust’s property in the Maungataniwha Native Forest, and works with the predator-proof sanctuaries where they are raised until they are large enough to be released back into the forest.
She is also the eastern region brown kiwi coordinator for Kiwis for Kiwi, the only national charity dedicated to protecting kiwi. In this role she helps to co-ordinate the catching of males for Operation Nest Egg, the nationwide incubation and release scheme. She is also involved with setting up ‘kohanga’ sites where the species can be reintroduced safely and effectively.
Barry looks after the Trust's property in the Maungataniwha Native Forest and the adjoining Maungataniwha Pine Forest, working on all aspects of maintenance and operation. Before joining the Trust he had a long career in the forestry sector. He is a trained woodsman and worked for 20 years at Pan Pac Forest Products. Barry also ran charter and fishing boats out of Hawke's Bay. He has been with the Trust since 2007 and has managed the successful Maungataniwha Kiwi Project since 2010. His family frequently call him ‘the kiwi whisperer’.