Simon Hall is the Executive Chairman of Tasti Products Limited, a food manufacturing business located in Auckland.
Simon owns four properties which comprise predominantly native forest. His interest in the restoration of threatened species prompted him to establish the Forest Lifeforce Restoration Trust.
Simon participates in the various projects and Tasti indirectly provides most of the funding for this Trust.
Dr John McLennan (QSM) is a self-employed ecologist. He has spent some 20 years studying various species of kiwi in the wild and iswidely published on the subject of kiwi conservation.
John is involved in a number of restoration programmes throughout the North Island, including one at Lake Waikaremoana, where kiwi have been rescued from the brink of extinction and are now approaching pre-human levels of abundance. He is a trustee of the Project Kiwi Trust and a former trustee of the now - defunct BNZ Save the Kiwi Trust.
John was awarded the Queens Service Medal (QSM) in the 2004 New Year’s Honours List in recognition of his services to kiwi and the community. He has a PhD from Aberdeen University and a B.Agr.Sc (First Class Honours) from Lincoln University.
Pete Shaw is the manager of the Forest Life Force Restoration Trust. He has identified and initiated most of the Trust’s projects.
Pete has identified and initiated most of the Trust’s projects.
Pete previously worked for the Department of Conservation for 18 years where he held various roles throughout New Zealand, including manager of Northern Te Urewera Mainland Island Project.